Just your average Swede-American

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I stayed home sick today. I really wanted to go to church, but decided it would be better to rest and not enrisk infecting others...

I rested and went online and listened to one of the sermons/messages from the church I went to when I studied in South Carolina. I love that church! God is really doing great things there. And Pastor Tom's messages always feel relavant, inpireing and true. They really hit home, even when it hurts. That's the way it's supposed to be, how esle are we supposed to be transformed?

When I talked to my good friend Michelle, who had been to the service at my church here in Stockholm, and talked about the messages it turned out that the theme was the same in both places. So I guess I got what I was supposed to hear even though I stayed home.
God and His misterious ways :)
Seems that coincidence is one of His favorites :)


  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Katarina said…

    Fina du. Kan du fortfarande hjälpa mig på onsdag? (Känner viss för oro att din förkylning ska göra att du inte orkar komma.) Det kommer att bli lite pysslande med att få ner grejerna i källaren i kyrkan, men det borde gå. Du måste säga snart om du inte kan! (Du kanske kan kombinera flytthjälpen med fönsterputsningen och flyttstädningen av toaletterna?) Kramar!

  • At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Visst är det underbart att det blir så ibland. Så att fast du inte var där fick vara del av Gudstjänsten.
    Hoppas du mår bättre idag!
    Ha det gott!


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